Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011: My "Merging"

Wow. Another year bites the dust. 2010 had its share of highs and lows - just like every year does. And like every new year, I look to emerge from the prior, dust myself off, and step onto the tantalizing green grass of the next.

Part of my journey is trying to figure out how I want to engage with the world, particularly now that information is only a few keystrokes away, and social media has continued to merge the circles by which we navigate.

On one hand, I rebel like mad, not wanting to segment who I am. On the other hand, I segment like mad to keep some sort of separation between these circles.


My minor in psychology tells me that I fear rejection (well, no shit), and that I fear people won't like "all" of me. So I think separation will keep me "safe."

The reality is that I'm as transparent as they come. And if you know a little of me - you probably know a lot about me. There is really nothing to hide.

So, this year I'm taking the plunge. Accept my Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and blogs for what they will be. Sometimes they'll be serious, sometimes funny, sometimes downright silly.

But they all will be me. Happy 2011.

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