Browsing through the Austin Chronicle, always a source of super-cool things to do in Austin, I found a winner.
On Saturday I attended the American Cheese Society's Festival of Cheese event in Austin, TX. I’ve never attended such an event, and had no idea what to expect. They boasted over 1,000 cheeses and all the wine, spreads, breads, fruits and crackers I could eat. For $75/ticket, I thought I certainly could get my money worth.
As I entered the hotel lobby, I was hit with the smell of cheese. It grew stronger as I traveled to the grand ballroom, and the buzz of the crowded filled the air. As I passed the attendant my ticket, I could hardly contain my curiosity to this underworld of cheese makers I never knew existed.
And then I walked through the doors.
Table after table after table of cheese! I’ve never seen as much cheese on one table, let alone probably 100 tables.
So I naturally started at table 27 and filled my plate with little samples. At my third table, I was cheesed out. Obviously, a novice and not a cheese connoisseur!
However, I was revived with my personal favorite of the show, 1st place Brie Normandie, from Agropur, Fine Cheese Division, Quebec. A thin wafer and a raspberry on top, de-lish!
My tip of the week is if you ever attend an event where food is judged, hit the ribbons first! I’m sure I missed out on some wonderful cheese and craftsmanship.
Well done, cheese makers, well done.
2009 Judging Competition and Results
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