Thursday, October 16, 2014

Naming the [Business, Product, Service]: What's in a Name?

Six months ago I decided to start my own business. I had the vision, a draft of services and a checklist of the steps to create the LLC.

But what to call this company? 

In most of my experience, naming has ranged from ultra descriptive (blah fundraising blah) to search ranking based (Network blah blah), geographic (Portland blah) to a number schema (blah blah 100). 

And there is case study after case study of Monster, Yelp, Uber, Lady Gaga....strange names with great brands.

Article after article offered advice, but nothing resonated like the experience of establishing BookSpring in 2008 - a merger of Reading is Fundamental Austin and Capitol Area Reach Out and Read.

To name my new company, I focused on:

  • Defining the core values 
  • Meaning behind the company
  • How to convey intellectual marketing 
  • Nuances that makes this company...well...transformative....

The Result?

Danaini Group.

I would love to know your thoughts on naming, and bringing brands to life!


Interesting Reads:

  • How to Name a Business via @EntMagazine: 
  • 5 Characteristics of Great Company Names via @Inc: